Artikel ini adalah hasil nukilan Cik Azmira Amran melalui laman Facebook beliau.
Ni cerita sebelum kahwin.
Noa tanya, "Do you want to marry me because you want to marry me or do you want to marry me because you want to get married?"
Maka merajuklah Azmira selama 5 minit sebab ingatkan org tu tengah buat alasan nak lambat2 kahwin. Noa sambung lagi,
"I'm asking you this, because if you want to marry me because you just want to get married, you will be concerned about the wedding or the marriage, but not about me. That means you can marry just about anyone, just because you want to be a Puan"
"But if you want to marry me because of me, then you will wait for me. And it doesn't matter where you are or where I am, or when will we get married, because I know you will wait for me because you want to be with me"
Okay sedut balik muncung panjang tadi.
Edit tambahan: In case people missed the forest for the tree, I think apa yg nak disampaikan sini ialah kalau nak kawen tu, be sure la korang betul2 nak kawen ngan pasangan korang, bukan sebab nak pakai dress wedding cantik2. Sebab wedding kejap je korang, yang lama tu nak hidup sama2 tu. Kalau tak betul2 suka your pasangan, nanti macam2 kendian hari, lagi melibatkan ramai orang. Im lucky to have someone who wants me for who I am, my good and my flaws. If you are in a relationship with someone yang korang rasa korang tak boleh hidup together for the next 50 years, RUN now. Jangan bazir masa korang and the other person. Wishing everyone love heart emoticon
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